Characterization of Phenolic Compounds from EarlyLate Ripening Sweet CherriesTheir AntioxidantAntifungal Activities 王蒙,姜楠,王瑶等 Journal of AgriculturalFood Chemistry
DNAzyme-based biosensor for detection of lead ion: A review 梁刚,满燕,李安,靳欣欣等 Microchemical journal
Accumulation status, sourcesphytoavailability of metals in greenhouse vegetable production systems in Beijing, China. 徐笠,陆安祥*,王纪华等 EcotoxicologyEnvironmental Safety
Rapid determination method for 2-DCB in irradiated pork by ASE–Al2O3–GC–MS 李安,潘立刚*,张秀彤等 Radiation PhysicsChemistry
Developmental differences in antioxidant compoundssystems innormalsmall-phenotype fruit of ‘Hass’ avocado (Persea americanaMill.) 王蒙等 Scientia Horticulturae
Highly Sensitive Colorimetric Detection of Ochratoxin A by a Label-Free AptamerGold Nanoparticles 栾云霞,陈佳祎,李成等 Toxins
Graphene-Derivatized Silica Composite as Solid-Phase Extraction Sorbent Combined with GC–MS/MS for the Determination of Polycyclic Musks in Aqueous Samples 李成,陈佳祎,陈燕等 Molecules
Development of an Immunochromatographic Strip Test for the Rapid Detection of Alternariol Monomethyl Ether in Fruit 满燕,梁刚等 Toxins
Recent Advances in Mycotoxin Determination for Food Monitoring via Microchip 满燕,梁刚,李安等 Toxins
Survey of Alternaria ToxinsOther Mycotoxins in Dried Fruits in China 韦迪哲,王瑶,姜冬梅等 Toxins
Characterization of Free, ConjugatedBound Phenolic Acids in Seven Commonly Consumed Vegetables 高媛,马帅,王蒙等 Molecules
Heavy metals in paddy soil-rice systems of industrialtownship areas?from subtropical China: Levels, transferhealth risks. 陆安祥,李冰茹,徐笠* Journal of Geochemical Exploration
Functional analysis of a viroid RNA motif mediating cell to cell movement in Nicotiana benthamiana 姜冬梅,王蒙,李世访* Journal of General Virology
Statistical analysis of sudden chemical leakage accidents reported in China between 20062011 李杨,平华,马智宏等 Environmental SciencePollution Research
Determination of Five Sulfonylurea Herbicides in Environmental WatersSoil by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Tandem Mass Spectrometry after Extraction Using Graphene 李成,陆安祥*,王纪华等 Journal of Separation Science