Chemiluminescence assay for detection of 2-hydroxyfluorene using G-Quadruplex DNAzyme-H2O2-Luminol system 梁刚,满燕,李安等* Microchim. Acta
An oligosorbent-based aptamer affinity column for selective extraction of aflatoxin B2 prior to HPLC with fluorometric detection 刘洪美,栾云霞,陆安祥等 Microchim Acta
Affinity capture of aflatoxin B1B2 by aptamer-functionalized magnetic agarose microspheres prior to their determination by HPLC 刘洪美,陆安祥,付海龙等 Microchim Acta
Colorimetric determination of the pesticide chlorothalonil based on the aggregation of gold nanoparticles 刘庆菊, 平华,冯晓元* Microchim Acta
Modelingmapping of cadmium in soils based on qualitativequantitative auxiliary variables in a cadmium contaminated area 曹姗姗,陆安祥,王纪华*等 Science of the Total Environment
Aptamer-based biosensor for label-free detection of ethanolamine by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy 梁刚等 Analytica Chimica Acta
Melatonin from different fruit sources, functional roles,analytical methods 冯晓元*,王蒙,平华等 Trends in Food ScienceTechnology
Occurrence, speciationtransportation of heavy metals in 9 coastal rivers from watershed of Laizhou Bay, China 徐笠,王铁宇,王纪华等 Chemosphere
Occurrence of antibiotics in soilsmanures from greenhouse vegetable production bases of Beijing, Chinaan associated risk assessment 李成,陈佳祎,王纪华等 Science of the Total Environment
Phthalate esters in soil, plastic film,vegetable from greenhouse vegetable production bases in Beijing, China: Concentrations, sources,risk assessment 李成等 Science of The Total Environment
A single-step solid phase extraction for the simultaneous determination of 8 mycotoxins in fruits by ultra-high performanceliquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry 王蒙等 Journal of Chromatography A
Visualmicroplate detection of aflatoxin B2 based on NaCl-induced aggregation of aptamer-modified gold nanoparticles 栾云霞,陈佳祎,谢刚等 Microchimica Acta
A simple, highly sensitive colorimetric immunosensor for the detection of alternariol monomethyl ether in fruit by non-aggregated gold nanoparticles 满燕等 AnalyticalBioanalytical Chemistry
Multivariategeostatistical analyses of the spatial distributionorigin of heavy metals in the agricultural soils in Shunyi, Beijing, China 陆安祥,王纪华等 Science of the Total Environment
Multiwalled carbon nanotube for one-step cleanup of 21 mycotoxins in cornwheat prior to ultraperformance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis 姜冬梅,韦迪哲,王刘庆等 Toxins